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The fine summary in the electronic dawah<\/h1>\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t

Your Guide to Electronic Dawah - Prepared by Ahmed bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Suhaji<\/p>\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t


\n\t\t\t\ttable of contents\t\t\t<\/h2>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t


Praise be to God who guided us to faith, and we would not have been guided had it not been for God guided us, and prayers and peace be upon the glad tidings and the luminous moon, the best of those who are called to his Lord in the most eloquent speech and the best interpretation, and upon his good and pure family, and upon those who follow their guidance and follow their trail to the Day of Judgment…<\/p>


In this time, the use of the Internet has become widespread, and it has entered the homes of all people, and the east is linked to the west and the north to the south, and the world has become one village, and with one click of a button you can reach the far north and south!<\/p>

And the callers to God keep pace with these developments and use them to support the religion and communicate it to the worlds, and by the grace of God Almighty, the spread of electronic advocacy centers these years, and on top of them is the Salam Center for Electronic Propagation, which supervised work in it. Introducing Islam and responding to the similarities raised by malicious machines that work to repel people from religion, and tens of thousands of monthly dialogues are conducted with non-Muslims, and more than one thousand and five hundred people are delivered by the grace of God Almighty!<\/p>

In this regard, I sought the assistance of God Almighty in writing these words to be of assistance to the callers to God in their calling and a guide for them in their path. We explain to them some points and explain to them the methods of electronic da\u2019wah, its methods, the types of invitees, and how to deal with each type. We ask God Almighty to accept this Work and to make it purely for his holy face!<\/p>

The importance of the topic<\/h4>

This topic has legal significance and realistic importance: the legal importance is what came in the position and virtue of calling to God Almighty and His virtue. Rather, the mission of the first messengers was to call people to monotheism and introduce them to their Creator, the Mighty and Sublime, and for that the books were revealed and the messengers were sent, and Muslims spread across the earth and entered the world. Islam hearts of the worlds.
As for the real importance, it is what we are witnessing these days of a terrible development and a radical change in people\u2019s lives regarding the use of modern technologies and advanced electronic means. Rather, there are two worlds: a real world in which we live and live, and a virtual world we sit in front of screens and on keyboards addressing people in various parts of the earth, Therefore, Muslims should have been keen on harnessing this virtual world and exploiting that electronic system in calling to God Almighty!
And if we see a lot in the writings of scholars about the call to God and its methods and what is related to it, but it is primarily related to the field call related to the real world, as for what is related to the electronic call, the writings in it are few, and the specialized research in its statement and explanation is not sufficient, and therefore the need was urgent. To highlight some issues related to this call so that those interested in this field can benefit from it! God bless and help.<\/p>

research aims:<\/h4>

1- An inventory of the most prominent means used in the electronic invitation.
2- Indicating the types of invitees and how to deal with each type.
3- Setting up the public morals and techniques for the preacher.
4- Providing the most convincing definitions of Islam.
5- Responding to the most prominent suspicions that the preacher is exposed to.<\/p>

My first and last purpose of this book is for its reader to be able to introduce Islam from his home and to make use of his mobile phone in what pleases the Lord of the worlds, and by the grace of God Almighty, I held a number of courses in this section and some of the participants in the courses began to apply it and I contacted him after a while and he told me that he embraced Islam At his hands, more than a hundred people per month, and some of them even tell me that he sits from eight in the morning until twelve at night, conversing with non-Muslims and introducing them to the Lord of the worlds, praise be to God first and last, outward and inward.<\/p>

The virtue of calling to God Almighty<\/h4>

The call to God is the position of the prophets, the honor of the saints, and the adornment of the scholars, and it is the pillar of the millennium of this religion: for it is the righteousness of the worlds and their indication to the Lord of all people.<\/p>

As God Almighty said:<\/strong><\/p>

And who is better in speech than he who calls to God and does righteousness and says I am one of the Muslims.<\/p>

God has commanded the call, saying:<\/p>

Call to the path of your Lord with wisdom and preaching goodness, and argue with them, which is better, for your Lord is the knowledge of God.<\/p>

And it came on the tongue of our Prophet, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, that he said: \u201cFor God to guide one man through you is better for you than red camels.\u201d<\/p>

And in another narration: \u201cIt is better for you than what the sun has risen upon.\u201d<\/p>

And Muslim narrated in his Sahih from the hadith of Abu Hurairah, may God be pleased with him, that the Prophet, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, said: \u201cWhoever calls to guidance will have a reward like the rewards of those who follow him, without that detracting from their rewards in the slightest.\u201d<\/p>

On the authority of Abu Masoud Uqbah bin Amr al-Ansari al-Badri, may God be pleased with him, who said: The Messenger of God, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, said: \u201cHe who guides to something good has a reward similar to the one who does it.\u201d<\/p>

Methods and means of electronic invitation<\/h4>

There are ways in the electronic invitation, we summarize them as follows:<\/p>

Create a website<\/h5>

This idea is based on creating a website to introduce Islam and respond to visitors\u2019 inquiries, and funded advertisements can be made to spread the site among the target groups. The journey to get to know Islam, which is an effective method, but often requires institutional work, because of its cost and the multitasking that you need in the beginning.<\/p>

public groups<\/h5>

It is an idea based on the preacher entering his private account on WhatsApp or Telegram to general groups in the target language, whether Arabic or English, and begins to form friendships and relationships for the purpose of learning the language, for example, or slimming, fitness or other life matters, and after accompanying and getting to know them, he invites them to Islam through private, and one of the young people I know and he was working with us in a peace center, eight people converted to Islam with him within a month in this way! He used to enter groups to learn English for the Spanish, and invite them to Islam, and eight responded to him within one month, and they pronounced the two testimonies!<\/p>

Social Media<\/h5>

And we are talking about the most popular and most widely used one, which is Facebook, which in my opinion is the best and most effective means of preaching at this time, and there are two main ways through Facebook.<\/p>

Sponsored ads:<\/h5>

These are pages that prepare and design publications to introduce Islam on Facebook, then promote some of them in the targeted countries, and people begin to enter the messages of the pages and express their questions and get to know this religion more, and there is a specialized advocate on the pages who responds to messages in a flexible and easy way, and after That comes the conquest of God at the hands of preachers!<\/p>

This is the most powerful method in this section, and it may be stronger than the field invitation because you control the targeting of the audience and you can reach more than one country at the same time, and this is not available in the field invitation, and one of its most prominent advantages is that the invitee is the one who comes to you, which shows his interest in the matter and enhances the opportunity His entry into Islam, but this method is financially expensive!<\/p>

Sponsored ads success factors<\/h5>
  • Beautifully designed picture, preferably pictures of attractive landscapes, with a short statement about the beauty of Islam.<\/li>
  • A sentence, two or three about Islam in the post, or about topics that everyone needs, such as \u201cAre you looking for the Great Creator\u201d \u201cDo you feel lonely?\u201d Are you looking for the right religion? Do Muslims believe in Jesus? And other phrases that urge the viewer’s mind.<\/li>
  • An invitation to dialogue in the design or in the publication, which specialists call “call to action”.<\/li>
  • Distance from controversial positions between religions.<\/li>
  • Focus on the general and aesthetic meanings in religion.<\/li>
  • Periodic posting on the pages and making an organized schedule for that.<\/li>
  • Pay attention to comments and respond to them.<\/li><\/ul>
    the target audience<\/h5>

    One of Facebook\u2019s algorithms in this matter is that there is a difference in the financial cost of each country and each continent, so the African audience, for example, may be the cheapest, and the European and American audience the most expensive. The African public is also distinguished by its closeness to common sense due to its weak materialism, and the lack of common suspicions there, and therefore, you find it more acceptable to Islam than others, but you may sometimes find some manipulation and complacency from them after that, and this is unlike the European and American public, which needs an effort to be convinced of Islam, but More serious than the African in his decisions, and like him the Brazilians and the people of South America in general, they are closer to accepting Islam than the Europeans! This is the majority and does not mean that there are exceptions in both types.<\/p>

    personal pages:<\/h5>

    This is a method that does not require money, but it requires time and effort. The preacher creates a personal page for him on the Facebook platform or other platforms in the language that he improves, and then starts in one of two ways or both:<\/p>

    The first is the individual invitation<\/h5>

    In which the preacher searches for the most famous pages in the target language, such as cooking pages in English, or the pages of celebrities and players, then enters them and their publications and sends friend requests to commentators on the page\u2019s publications, and Facebook\u2019s algorithms start suggesting friends to him of the same language and interest as the requests he sent, and after a while He has a short base of friends from which he starts and gets to know them, and then invites her to Islam individually in private.<\/p>

    One of the advantages of this method is that it is easy and there is no financial cost in it, and the formation of personal relationships that may be the nucleus of the second method!<\/p>

    Second: The general advocacy page<\/h5>

    It is to inflate the number of followers and friends of the target audience in the same way, then the definitions of Islam and others are published in the form of articles, photos and videos, and the followers start interacting and commenting, and so on. , and some combine the two paths and the success of God Almighty!<\/p>

    Do I need a funder to reach people?<\/h5>

    Of course, you do not need if you work on the method of personal pages, as it is a completely free method, but do not be keen on the large number of entrants to Islam without taking care of these new Muslims. Some people are concerned about the number of converts to Islam and then do not communicate with the new Muslim! This is wrong. Rather, the preacher must pay attention to teaching the new Muslim about his religion so that he does not turn back and does not turn back on his heels again. Therefore, if you focused on the Islam of one or two people and then followed them and taught them the rulings of Islam, that would be a great good, and you can share with a friend of yours: One of you talks to non-Muslims and the other teaches and follows up on new Muslims.<\/p>

    Methods of calling to Allah<\/h4>

    God Almighty has decreed that we be of the difference between individuals in intellects and minds, levels of understanding, and methods of persuasion: what persuades a lifetime does not convince Zayd, and what convinces Zaid does not convince a lifetime and so on, although there are undoubtedly rules agreed upon among all sane people in the methods of persuasion that no one denies!<\/p>

    And the observant preacher is the one who knows the patterns and types of personalities and knows how to deal with each type and pattern!<\/p>

    There are methods that stir the feeling and conscience: the method of encouragement and intimidation, the method of preaching and reminding, the method of supplication for the one who is called, and the method of moving the instinct by reminding it of its one and only Creator are included.<\/p>

    There are methods that call for reflection and contemplation: the method of comparing the good and the ugly is included, such as the comparison between the god in Islam and the god in Christianity, the method of analogy, the method of clarification and reasoning, the method of debate, and the response to suspicions.<\/p>

    There are methods that depend on human experiences and sense: such as the good example method, and the method of benevolence to those invited by mentioning examples of the Prophet\u2019s biography of his benevolence to Muslims and non-Muslims, as well as the morals of Muslims even in wars.<\/p>

    Types of invitees<\/h5>

    After an age of accumulated experiences in this field, and a discussion with specialists in calling to God via the Internet, we have concluded two main types of calling to God.<\/p>

    The first type: the peaceful person<\/h5>

    He is the owner of the common sense, which was overshadowed by some of the rubble of imitating the fathers and following the whims, and this person only needs to return him to his common sense and remind him of it!<\/p>

    Invitation steps:<\/p>

    First: We must undo the knot in our minds that there must be miracles and paranormal things that a person can see in order for him to be convinced of Islam! It is much simpler than that. This religion is the religion of common sense and sound minds! Many people embrace Islam just by knowing the general principles of it, so there is no need for us to rush people to talk about scientific miracles in the Qur\u2019an and other very precise topics that need books and lectures!<\/p>

    Here are the steps for inviting a peaceful person:<\/p>

    Defining it with the meaning of general Islam and that it is surrender to the orders of God Almighty, the Great Creator of this universe, and to live in spiritual and heart peace, away from anxiety, confusion and spiritual tension.<\/p>

    2- Defining it with the special meaning of Islam, the five pillars and the six pillars of faith, and focusing on defining it with some of the attributes of the Creator mentioned in Surat Al-Ikhlas, as they are among the most special characteristics of religion! I have personal positions with Surat Al-Ikhlas, including that a young Christian man I knew of general and specific Islam, then Surat Al-Ikhlas was sent to him, and God Almighty honored him and became safe, and the days went on and he reminded me that the reason for his conversion to Islam was Surat Al-Ikhlas and he described it to God Almighty as one and only, not as the Christians believe!<\/p>

    And this group – the peaceful ones – is not a few, rather they are many, and the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, did not often present Islam to them in a very simplified way, and invite them to the two testimonies without being overwhelmed by details and issues that need days to explain!<\/p>

    We have in the Messenger of God, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, a good example in his supplication to Abu Bakr as-Siddiq, may God be pleased with him. The Messenger, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: \u201cI am the Messenger of God, Abu Bakr, and his Prophet sent me to convey his message, and I call you to God with truth, for by God it is the truth.\u201d I invite you to God, O Abu Bakr, alone without partner, and we do not worship besides Him, and adherence to His obedience.\u201d And he read the Qur\u2019an to him, and he did not deny it, so he embraced Islam and disbelieved in idols and cast off rivals, and acknowledged the right of Islam, and Abu Bakr returned while he was a true believer.<\/p>

    And the same was narrated on the authority of Imran bin Haseen, as in the Sunan<\/p>

    He was a delegation to the Messenger of God, peace be upon him, and he, peace be upon him, said to him:<\/p>

    \u201cOh immune! How much do you worship?\u201d And in another narration: \u201cHow many gods do you worship?\u201d<\/p>

    He said: I worship seven – this is a polytheist – and he said to him: “Where are the seven?”<\/p>

    He said: Six on the earth and one in the sky. He said: \u201cWho is your fear and desire?\u201d Meaning: Who if things get tough for you and your ways are narrow and doors are closed for you.<\/p>

    He said: He who is in the heavens. He said: So leave that which is on the earth and worship the one who is in the heavens.<\/p>

    He said: I bear witness that there is no god but God, and I bear witness that you are the Messenger of God. Then he, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, said to him: \u201cShall I not teach you a prayer?\u201d<\/p>

    He said: I said: Yes, O Messenger of God! He said: So say: \u201cOh God, inspire me to my rationality, and protect me from the evil of myself.\u201d<\/p>

    And other things that were mentioned about Ali, Khadija, Al-Zubayr, Othman, Talha and Al-Arqam bin Abi Al-Arqam, they embraced Islam peacefully without stubbornness or controversy!<\/p>

    How do I know a peaceful person:<\/h5>

    After getting to know him and introducing him to Islam, we ask him: What do you think of this talk, do you agree with me, do you allow me to continue? And other questions that come out what is going on in his mind! He may even ask you about how he entered Islam and what are the conditions for that! How many people used to enter us wanting to enter Islam after they got tired of worshiping stones and idols!<\/p>

    The pacifist finds him welcome and acceptance, and sometimes he hesitates something simple, but he does not object to your words and does not cast suspicion on you!<\/p>

    With regard to Jesus, peace be upon him, he clarifies to him in the first pillar our belief in God Almighty who rejects the partner, the like, and the child. When pronouncing the shahada, it is desirable that we teach him \u201cand that Jesus is the servant of God and His Messenger.\u201d if that’s possible.<\/p>

    The second slide: the stubborn.<\/h5>

    This character has objections and problems with the Islamic religion, and therefore needs to be expanded in words and clarification in Islam<\/p>

    I would like to divide this slide into two types:<\/p>

    The first: stubborn non-hatred of Islam<\/h5>

    This type has many suspicions lingering in his mind, whether about Islam or religions in general, but he loves discussion and loves the truth, and if the truth appears to him, he accepts it and submits to it!<\/p>

    This person shows his love for discussion and calm dialogue and that he loves the truth, and he agrees with you on some points and answers! He may tell you that he loves Islam, but there are some errors and problems, and so on!<\/p>

    Invitation steps:<\/h5>
    1. Introducing him to Islam in the general and specific sense first, and initially asked to postpone the point of disagreement with him.
      Determine the main point of disagreement with him and manage the dialogue, then explain it in a very simple way without complication or lengthening.
      Example: An atheist casts doubts about the Qur\u2019an and women? This is his main point is to prove the existence of the Creator first for him, and it is not correct to respond to his suspicions, or to engage with him in partial sub issues!
      After proving the existence of God, we talk to him about religions and our need for them, and then about Islam and the evidence for its validity, and then you can respond to the suspicions lingering in his mind!
      Provoking what is in his mind from time to time with phrases such as (Is it not, I think you agree with me on this, do you think that through dialogue and research we will reach the truth?…etc)
      Accompany him and talk about some life matters away from the call from time to time.
      Pray for him in prostration, and ask God for guidance for him.
      Do not rush to present the two testimonies to him, for the time factor has a role and influence in changing human convictions!<\/p>

      An example of this type is the story of Uday bin Hatim\u2019s conversion to Islam, where he said: The Messenger of God, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, was sent, and he was sent. A liar was not hidden from me, and if he was truthful, I would follow him. So I came, and when I came to Medina, the people looked up to me and said: Uday bin Hatim came, Uday bin Hatim came. The Prophet, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, said to me: \u201cO Uday bin Hatim, embrace Islam.\u201d He said: I said: I have a religion. He said: \u201cI I know your religion more than you – two or three times – are you not the head of your people? He said: I said: Yes. He said: \u201cAre you not eating the square?\u201d A quarter of the spoils of war. He said: I said: Yes. He said: \u201cThat is not lawful for you in your religion.\u201d He said: So you were humbled for that, then he said: \u201cO Adi bin Hatim, embrace Islam.\u201d Peace be upon you, for I may think – or I may see, or as the Messenger of God – may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him – said – that what prevents you from accepting the need and poverty that you see around me, and the woman on the camel in the howitzer is about to leave from Al-Hira without a neighbor until you circumambulate the house, and open We have the treasures of Khosrau bin Hormuz, and let the money be abundant – or overflow – until the man becomes interested in whom his money is accepted as charity.\u201d So Uday, may God be pleased with him, accepted Islam after he was initially opposed.<\/p><\/li><\/ol>

      The second: a person who is stubborn and hates Islam or religions in general.<\/h5>

      This type expresses his objections and mockery of religion, and whenever I replied to him on one point of Fatah on another point, and I remember that I was in dialogue with a Christian priest, he raised the issue of the divinity of Christ, so I presented to him from his book what proves the opposite and that Jesus is the servant of God and His Messenger. He tells me that the Bible is above our minds and we can only understand it through the Holy Spirit. If you believe in the Holy Spirit, you will understand the Bible?!<\/p>

      How to deal with it:<\/h5>
      1. Establishing the principle of dialogue with him in an organized and civilized manner and focusing on this point.
        Try to compose it from time to time to check it out.
        Send some messages that talk about the beauty of Islam in legislation.
        If he closes all roads to you, then you will be released with kindness, and time with others is better.
        Links to books and clips are sent to him that talk about evidence of the sincerity of Islam, so he may refer to them later and be a reason to change it.<\/p>

        An example of this is the biography of the staunch infidels from Quraish and others, for they closed every door to their call and did not accept Islam, may God Almighty shame them.<\/p><\/li><\/ol>

        Etiquette and techniques of preacher<\/h4>
        1. Be keen on sincerity, for it is a reason for every farmer. The Almighty said: \u201cAnd they were not commanded except to worship God, being sincere to Him in religion, as Hanafi.\u201d Work without sincerity is for nothing. Almighty!
          Ensure that people know the general principles of religion and do not enter into partial discussions at the beginning of the call.
          When responding to suspicions, we lay the general foundations for the subject, for example, the suspicion of women in inheritance?! We must first explain to him the religion\u2019s view of women and how it honored and gave them what no other religion gave them. Then, we should explain to him the wisdom of making the woman take half of the man\u2019s inheritance in some cases of inheritance, and list the cases in which women are equal to men in inheritance, and the cases in which they are withheld. The woman is the man in the inheritance.
          People often use the red herring fallacy, and this fallacy is used to express a person who evades the original topic and branches from it to another topic that may be related to it and goes into the details of the last topic, forgetting or forgetting the main purpose of the discussion, for example, you talk to him about the pillars of faith, so if he tells you \u201cBut Islam encourages violence.\u201d This method of dialogue does not lead to anything, and therefore the preacher must pay attention to this issue!
          Managing the dialogue, the preacher must direct the dialogue with the invitees, and determine the point at which he will speak, and after clarifying it, we can move to another, for an atheist person is not correct to talk to him except in the issue of the existence of God, and to prove that first, and so on.
          There is nothing wrong with using some phrases that have interest in him, such as your saying (How are you, my brother) based on what God Almighty said about Noah\u2019s people (when their brother Noah said to them) as well as phrases like (we didn\u2019t talk yesterday, were you busy?)\u2026 etc.
          Put signs in the communication program on interested people and ask them to enter Islam, because with the large number of messages, people may get lost in the crowd of messages.
          The use of expressions – emojis – in messages, such as smiling and laughing, have a great impact on the souls and reflect the state of the speaker, both positively and negatively!
          Using auxiliary tools to save responses and ready messages, such as the Google Keep and SwiftKey application
          Patience in inviting people, for the capital of the caller is patience with people and bearing their harm.<\/p>

          Some of the callers to God, the first to learn the call to non-Muslims, are very excited that some people will convert to Islam at his hands as soon as possible. Some of them even want a non-Muslim to convert directly in one day or one hour!!!<\/p>

          And if this was not achieved for him, he left him and went looking for another person for him, and so he repeats this method many times and very quickly. about her ..<\/p>

          This is a big mistake on the part of some zealous, hasty and novice preachers in the da\u2019wah that Satan exploits to discourage and let them down and says to them, \u201cHere you are, you have tired yourselves, and no one has responded to you.\u201d<\/p>

          The truth is that the call to God Almighty is very easy and easy and not difficult, but this does not mean that the caller will receive a response from people to his call directly without fatigue and hardship, patience and endurance. Their beliefs, ideas and convictions in one day or one moment..<\/p>

          Finally, O preacher: know that God Almighty is the one who guides whom He wills whenever He wills wherever He wills by whomever He wills, and you are nothing but a transmitter of the religion of God Almighty.<\/p>

          And know that it is not a condition that a person greets at your hand in order for you to earn his reward..No, never! You may be the first one who opened his eyes to Islam and planted in his heart the first seed to search for Islam and get to know it, and maybe one day he will convert to Islam at the hands of others.. But God Almighty knows that you are the first reason for his guidance and Islam and you will have a reward like his..<\/p><\/li><\/ol>

          Important rulings regarding inviting non-Muslims:<\/h4>

          1- Ruling on one who stipulated that he should continue to do a prohibited act after his conversion to Islam.<\/h5>

          Like a woman who wants to embrace Islam and continues to leave the hijab or drinking alcohol or other things, like this and its like: a person\u2019s Islam is valid according to the corrupt condition in order to make his heart, and after that he knows and is bound by the rulings, if he accepts them, otherwise his entry to Islam is valid and there is no problem in it, and a number of evidences have been presented Prove it, including:<\/p>

          A – On the authority of Nasr bin Asim, on the authority of a man that: The Prophet, peace and blessings of God be upon him, came and embraced Islam on the understanding that he would only pray two prayers, so he accepted that from him. And in another word for him: On the condition that he only prays a prayer, so it is accepted from him.<\/p>

          As for its meaning, it is that the Prophet, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, accepted that before him in order for him to enter into Islam, and he was commanded to perform all the prayers after that, and God cast acceptance in his heart. Including what was reported by the owner of Muntaqat al-Akhbar with the aforementioned hadith under the chapter (The validity of Islam with the corrupt condition).<\/p>

          B – On the authority of Wahb, he said: I asked Jabra about Thaqeef\u2019s affair when she pledged allegiance, and he said, \u201cI stipulated that the Prophet, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, should neither give charity nor jihad, and after that he heard the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, say: \u201cThey will give charity and strive.\u201d<\/p>

          C – On the authority of Anas that the Messenger of God, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to a man: \u201cI embraced Islam.\u201d He said: \u201cI find myself unwilling.\u201d He said: \u201cI embrace Islam even if I hate it.\u201d<\/p>

          D- Ahmad and Al-Nasa\u2019i narrated on the authority of Hakim who said: I pledged allegiance to the Messenger of God, may God\u2019s prayers and peace be upon him, that there would be no other than standing. That is, he does not bow in prayer, but rather recites and then prostrates without bowing.<\/p>

          All of these hadiths prove the validity of a person\u2019s Islam on the corrupt condition as a way of encouraging him into Islam, and not considering these corrupt conditions for them. Rather, if they enter Islam, God Almighty will grant them success in submitting to the entire religion.<\/p>

          Al-Hafiz Ibn Rajab, may God have mercy on him, said in Jami\u2019 al-Ulum wa al-Hakam, after mentioning these hadiths: Imam Ahmad took these hadiths and said that Islam is valid on the corrupt condition, then all the laws of Islam are required. Ah<\/p>

          We often find people who stop from Islam for fear of circumcision, for example, or leaving her husband, so the preacher should be gentle in this and know that his entry into Islam and his persistence in disobedience, even if he grows up, is better with God Almighty, and this is the jurisprudence of priorities and consideration of interests and evils!<\/p>

          This is in neglecting an obligatory duty or doing a forbidden act. As for stipulating an act of infidelity, it is not permissible by consensus, such as one who stipulates that he embraces Islam and continues to worship Christ, for example, this is not correct at all!<\/p>

          2- Ruling on a Muslim concealing his conversion to Islam?<\/h5>

          A worker in the field of da\u2019wah non-Muslims notices a fierce attack on new Muslims by the closest people to them, and I was talking one day with a Swiss brother, whom God Almighty honored and pronounced the Shahada, so I asked him to tell me what his family and friends did with him after his conversion to Islam, and he said to me, \u201cMy dearest friend He left me and accused me of being insane, and does not sit with me now.\u201d The strange thing is that this brother is 55 years old, so how did the friendship between him and his friend diminish just because of his conversion to Islam!!! God help<\/p>

          And also a Spanish sister who can only pray in the bathroom for fear of her husband, and another whose husband threatened her with death if she did not leave Islam, so she ran away and left the house! And there are so many chilling stories to hear.<\/p>

          Islam has taken into account this issue, the scholars have unanimously agreed that it is not a condition for the validity of Islam to be declared, but it must be true belief and uttering the word of monotheism between him and God Almighty, and concealing Islam may have a legitimate legitimate interest due to the harm and harm that results from publicity to the one who embraces Islam, and in The Noble Qur\u2019an is evidence of the permissibility of this. God Almighty said: (And a believing man from the family of Pharaoh said, he conceals his faith) [Surat Ghafir, verse 28]; This man is a believer in the text of the Qur\u2019an even though he used to hide his faith from Pharaoh and his people out of fear for himself, and this was also proven in the Prophetic Sunnah in the story of Abu Dhar al-Ghifari\u2019s conversion to Islam, may God be pleased with him, when the Messenger, may God bless him and grant him peace, said to him: \u201cO Abu Dhar, keep this matter\u201d (the order of his conversion to Islam).<\/p>

          Based on this: If announcing his conversion to Islam involves unbearable harm, then there is no objection to concealing his faith, provided that he does not do anything that indicates that he is a disbeliever, such as prostrating to an idol, for example.. and the like, except in the case of compulsion, as God Almighty said: (Whoever disbelieves in God from After his faith, except for those who deny him and his heart, he is reassured about faith, but whoever explains the disbelief in the chest, then they are angry with them.<\/p>

          Based on this, the matter is up to the interest and the evil. If his conversion to Islam is not feared of its consequences, then it is what is required, otherwise it is not.<\/p>

          2- Change the name:<\/h5>

          The caller should not rush to change the name of the new Muslim, because this may cause him great embarrassment and great harm in his personal and family life, but if this is possible with him, then there is no doubt that his association with a new name strengthens his connection with Islam and builds his loyalty to him.<\/span><\/p>

          3- Washing.<\/h5>

          The scholars have two opinions about it: a saying that it is obligatory and a saying that it is mustahabb, but it may not be possible for a new Muslim to do so, so we should not rush into that until we are sure that his situation allows him to do so.<\/p>

          4- Ruling on a man who converts to Islam with a non-Muslim woman.<\/h5>

          If she is from the People of the Book, then he can keep her and her wife will remain, and there is nothing wrong with that, but if she is not like that, then she must be divorced. If he is married to more than four, he divorces whomever he wants and keeps four.<\/p>

          5- Ruling on a Muslim woman with her infidel husband.<\/h5>

          The principle is that she does not enable him from herself and that she separates from him if the waiting period ends and he does not deliver, except that this matter is one of the most difficult souls and the most severe affliction for sisters, and he may not be able to do that, and therefore the interest and corruption should be taken into account here, some sisters if they commit to leaving their husband may return to disbelief after faith And this is a reality and exists, and Ibn al-Qayyim\u2019s statement on this issue is a valid statement and its summary is that the contract is contingent on the husband\u2019s conversion to Islam, and he must convert.<\/p>

          And if she weakens herself and fears for her children, and she empowers him from herself, then she is a sinner who is not an infidel, and her remaining in sin is easier than her returning to disbelief.<\/p>

          6- Teaching the new Muslim<\/h5>

          The new Muslim must be taught the provisions of his religion and what his belief is correct, his worship is correct, and his behavior is correct, and it is preferable that he have a special teacher in the beginning, and the preacher is keen to connect him to the nearest Sunni center so that he integrates with them. Conveying Islam and teaching it according to the method of Surat Al-Yaqin in teaching Muslims, and taking into account the advice mentioned in the research \u201cAbjadiyat\u201d<\/p>

          7- Registering the data of the new Muslim<\/h5>

          The preacher is keen to register the data of new Muslims with him so that he can refer to it if he needs it in the future to check on him, or send him to an Islamic center in his country, or send him to a private teacher who will teach and follow him.<\/p>\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t<\/section>\n\t\t\t\t<\/div>\n\t\t","protected":false},"excerpt":{"rendered":"

          The fine summary in the electronic dawah Your Guide to Electronic Dawah – Prepared by Ahmed bin Abdul Mohsen Al-Suhaji table of contents Introduction Praise be to God who guided us to faith, and we would not have been guided had it not been for God guided us, and prayers and peace be upon the […]<\/p>\n","protected":false},"author":3,"featured_media":0,"parent":0,"menu_order":0,"comment_status":"closed","ping_status":"closed","template":"","meta":{"footnotes":""},"class_list":["post-2233","page","type-page","status-publish","hentry"],"_links":{"self":[{"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/2233","targetHints":{"allow":["GET"]}}],"collection":[{"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages"}],"about":[{"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/types\/page"}],"author":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/users\/3"}],"replies":[{"embeddable":true,"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/comments?post=2233"}],"version-history":[{"count":0,"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/pages\/2233\/revisions"}],"wp:attachment":[{"href":"https:\/\/salamcenter.online\/wp-json\/wp\/v2\/media?parent=2233"}],"curies":[{"name":"wp","href":"https:\/\/api.w.org\/{rel}","templated":true}]}}